What is Psychedelic Therapy?

What is Psychedelic Therapy?

Psychedelic substances have been used for centuries to heal various human ailments as well as part of spiritual growth in various religious practices all over the planet.

Psychedelic assisted psychotherapy is a fast growing therapy that combines the guidance from a trained psychotherapist alongside the use of psychedelic medicines to relieve symptoms of anxiety, PTSD, depression, addiction, suicidal thoughts, and end of life anxiety, among others. Many research studies (see bottom of this article for some links) have found psychedelics to have positive effects on various symptoms associated with psychological or emotional pain. Ketamine is the only legal form of psychedelic medicine in use at this time for the general public, while the approval of MDMA and psilocybin are anticipated to be close behind.

What is the Process?

The process of psychedelic assisted therapy optimally involves sessions in which a trained psychotherapist and client will form rapport and trust, engaging in discussion about goals for therapy, followed by medical approval and prescription under the observation of medical persons, the ingestion of Ketamine, or if in a research study, the use of psilocybin or MDMA, followed by integration sessions with a trained psychotherapist. The therapist is present for preparation sessions, medicine sessions, and integration sessions with the client.  Medicine sessions can last anywhere from 2.5 hours to 8 hours, depending on the medicine ingested and the journeyer (the client).  Preparation and integrations sessions usually last the traditional therapy hour, 50 minutes. Soon after the medicine session, therapist and client sit together in one or more integration sessions, which help the client to explore the material that came up during the medicine session and apply the insight and experiences to daily life.

How Does Psychedelic Assisted Therapy Work?

How do psychedelics work? Psychedelic medicine is not magic.  The magic is inside you! Psychedelics help to loosen our defenses or fears, and allow us to observe our experiences and perceptions with a more objective and sometimes softer viewpoint. The medicine offers a way to facilitate acceleration of insight on your journey in this life by helping to open doors of perception that may normally be challenging to access due to the defenses our brains create to help us survive and cope with our experiences.

How often to ingest psychedelic medicine for optimal effects? Sometimes one medicine journey can bring enough material to use as a catalyst for continued and lasting insights that help facilitate change.  Many times, people experience that they want to utilize psychedelic medicines more than once to continue deepening and opening to perceptual shifts.  Each medicine is different and there are different recommendations for different uses/goals.  Some studies (listed below, and others) conclude that anti-depressant effects from medicines like Ketamine and Psilocybin last for up to a year or longer.

Set and Setting are critically important to understanding the best process and use of psychedelics for psychotherapy purposes. Set involves having a competent guide for your journey, and setting involves the environment where the journey takes place. Psychedelic medicine is very powerful, and should always involve the help of a trained and experienced professional.

Helpful Links:

Ketamine Therapy Study

Psilocybin Therapy Study

MDMA Therapy

It is very important you find the right therapist for you, and that you find one who actually does have the training and experience to help you heal.  There are many people who call themselves specialists.  Look into the training and experience of anyone you choose to help you.

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